Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A few days ago, a BJP scam has been unearthed, of Amit Shah’s son’s company. I would like to use the word ‘Scam’ to document, that, everything else BJP does is also scams. The definition of a scam is a dishonest scheme and fraud. It doesn't mean only the monetary scam, (of course, BJP isn’t washed in milk, people make money out of every political party) but all other BJP’s mischievous schemes involving all spheres of life.

First a little preface - Hindu extremists hate Muslims, Muslim extremists hate Hindus. The normal people didn’t give two shits. But now Hindu extremists want all Hindus to side with extremist and share the hatred. Muslim extremists were doing the same for some decades now. So which extremists would win? The Hindu extremists have the government now. As a sensible Hindu would you let yourself consumed by the propaganda and turn you into a bigot? Or as a Muslim, would you brand yourself with jihadi fuckers? They both dream that they will win, in reality, they are all fucking losers.

Hindutva politics and culture – Hatemongering unleashed. Ours is a multicultural and secular country. But they want to change the essence of this country by disturbing the communal harmony. They want Hindu Rashtra, a new India, a theocracy. Saudi Arabia is a theocracy; they compare us to those countries when someone asks about tolerance and freedom of speech. Indeed they just want Hindu Saudi Arabia.

The speeches and rhetoric they have are to divide this country from within and alienating all non-Hindus. That’s a fundamental thing Hindutva does. They allege that other political parties are pseudo-secular because they appease the minorities (and BJP appease Hindu majority) While I do not agree with appeasing any religion, but doing something for minorities is in our constitution. But what solution they have on the table for this so-called ‘pseudo-secularism'? Answer -To get rid of secularism altogether. Our country was founded on principles of secularism; it’s an essential part of any progressive society. Theirs is a scheme of saffronizing this country and to stay in power.

The surge of Hindutva is a slap to secular progressive liberal society. Its fundamentalism and it breeds terrorism too, naturally. People have been slaughtered to protect cows. Further, they want to think that India is a vegetarian country. They have already started to work on this goal. The latest development in this regard is a silly argument that mutton too is evil. Apparently, because a goat is more sentient than a chicken. How long before they would realize that chicken is also sentient and thus ban nonveg altogether? You may think of the cow as a holy animal, but non-Hindus don’t. How is it that, a non-Hindu sitting at his home eating beef, is hurting your religious feelings? Does the whole world hurt your religious feelings? But you don’t care about that, you happen to think that this is a Hindu Rashtra and beef must be banned.  Earlier people use to say, they are Indian first and Hindu afterward, but now they say they are Indian and this is a Hindu Rashtra. But you do think about some countries in the world such as Saudi Arabia, as I have mentioned before, Oh they can't have alcohol? yes…neither can Gujarati. Now we can compete! It must be mentioned that Hindus in South India, do eat beef and it's their culture, but they want to suppress that culture and impose the culture of Hindutva. A notorious scheme.

How do these people and by these people I mean BJP, its CM Yogi, decide what is our culture and what isn't? His policy(yes) and the narrative is that Taj Mahal does not represent India and its culture. Why? Because it was made by Mughals and they were Invaders. Right. Never before this kind of stupidity has prevailed. Sure, it has nothing to do with Muslim hating! We must accept that Mughals were invaders and ALL our problems would be solved. That’s what he said. Damn, I thought Mughals were from Karnataka. Next time, you see swine running through streets of Gorakhpur, crippling poverty, children dying, mention this - All of our problems will be solved if we just accept that Mughals were invaders. Most probably someone (BJP supporter) would get offended and ask Why bring religion into this?
So when Yogi said the same thing it had something to do with religion…gees…finally, we can have a little glimpse of Yogi’s thought process!

Well all humans in the world, originated and migrated from Africa. Just a fact, but since we are talking about culture here; all North Indians including yourself does not originally belong to India, they were Aryan Invaders. When invaders come to a country and start living in a country and lived there for centuries, their culture becomes part of the country’s culture, they contribute to the culture. That’s how multicultural society is formed. And it keeps changing and reforming with the time. If white Americans start to discriminate against blacks, Asian Americans, Hispanics and say they are not really Americans and their culture does not represent America, then it must be pointed out that only true Americans are Native Americans, Red Indians. But they aren’t this stupid, they understand the culture well than, Mr Yogi.

In the name of protecting our culture, these people also want us to take us back to middle ages. Anti Romeo squads harassing couples and what not. Yogi saying when women develop masculine thoughts they become evil and women should not be independent. It goes on and on. These are the same people who would ban valentines day and extrapolate it, its just Hindu Saudi Arabia in making. Hindutva politics and cultural regressive agenda is a scam, a bjp scam.

Corrupting our youth – Modi itself is a religion. He is an excellent orator but all which comes out of his mouth are mostly lies and flamboyance. Nonetheless, it had done magic on the youth. He and his party has corrupted the youth; made them brain dead zombies also known as aandh bhakts. Trolls and living bots of propaganda. These people cannot tolerate any criticism of Modi or BJP and Yogi too, they do red herring, whataboutery and many of them resort to ad hominem and even abusing. Their morality is stooped to such an extent that they would condone criminal acts, justify murder and speak in the manner that you can expect from a brainwashed person dreaming of fascist utopia, devoid of rationality and logical understanding and washed in the color of intolerance and extremism. PM Modi follow these Twitter handles who would rejoice and celebrate the murder of a female journalist and call her a bitch after her murder. Too much pride has gone into their brain, they get orgasm of being powerful because they are members of the BJP regime. You can best ignore them or sarcasm them to the point that they stop trolling. Educated youth have been brought under the influence of propaganda, they try to make sense of their God and follow sincere bhakti. And their God Modi has not done a single press conference since he came to power from last three years, naturally, these people think he is up and beyond us inferior people of a democratic society. In fact, being a critic of BJP, its leaders and policies will brand you as anti-national. A popular suggestion by these zombies is that critics can all go to Pakistan. Ironically the population of Pakistan has been increased hugely since BJP came to power. All Indian Liberals are now Pakistanis. It’s all a scam and religion is opium for masses.

Moving on, to the economic blunder. People discuss what was the real motive behind demonetization. Was it to end the black money? I for one believe that the official explanations for demonetization, aside (all of which have failed) the real reason for it, was a mere show off. It was to show how bold and iron man Modi is, how powerful the BJP govt is, that they can turn your lives upside down in a single night. Yes, a show-off. They knew that their followers are dumb enough to suffer the hardships but will still praise the powerful govt for taking an astonishing decision. Of course, the scheme has failed miserably, but it cost the economy dearly. To further show off, the government didn’t waste time to hastily implement GST and now the economy is in really bad shape. They would not admit their mistake but demonetization was one huge scam in which many traders, industrialists, bankers and wealthy participated in. They use to make fun of Dr Manmohan Singh and his education, they called him a ‘weak’ Prime minister, but under him, the economy has thrived and under this regime, it's in decline. It should be mentioned that it was Manmohan Singh who was a prime force which saved and made way for our economy prosper in the 90s. BJP has failed on the economic front and all their promises of job creation was a scam, because not only because there isn’t any progress on job creation but also their failed flamboyant policies have resulted in a surge in unemployment. But not to worry, all demonetization schemes have benefits in long runs, like after centuries.

Consider what would happen, after Modi era, there is already a call of making Yogi, a PM someday. As of joking it may seem, it can happen, as it happened with Donald Trump, who was and is a joke. The Yogi model is to let children die, let swine run in the streets, cut off the education budget, neglect all problems and construct a 100-meter tall statue of Lord Ram with taxpayer money. Please make that statue with 100 % solid gold, it would be better for whatever the official and unofficial agenda it is needed to serve. UPians will get what they have voted for.

Moving on to Science and pop culture - There is an attempt to hijack science and replace it with pseudoscience, cow science. I have already written a sarcastic blog on cow science. But in all seriousness, Gau mutra (cow urine) cures cancer. I find this statement offensive. It undermines the disease, decades of research, continuing efforts and medical science. It's an insult. To support your religious and political ideologies stop making up such superstitious idiotic nonsense, it is not funny, cancer is not funny. If you keep repeating such lies, again and again, it's harmful to society in many ways. There was a lot of gau shit such as the aeroplane and atomic bomb was invented in ancient India in Vedic times and cow dung has plutonium etc all prevalent in society. But ever since this extremist regime has come to power, this nonsense pseudoscience now has a massive following. More propaganda? I call it a scam.